Studio clips
Studio clips

In this example clips are copied as "shared copies", so that if any one of the shared copies is modified, all other shared copies are updated automatically.Typical operations include: Moving, copying, pasting, deleting, etc.The animated screen capture below shows an example of typical MIDI clip operations in Studio One. The reason is that it makes more sense to keep musical phrases and chords together and this is more easily accomplished by means of clips, which are more convenient to manage than a sea of independent notes. That would work just as well, and yet all DAW in existence choose to encapsulate and group MIDI notes as clips. Theoretically, MIDI notes could be drawn individually directly onto tracks in the Arrange view, without being contained inside clips. One of the parameters (MF-Gain) corresponds to an FX plugin: Here is a mock-up of what this might look like, the same automation clip has been painted into three automation tracks to control three different parameters. Consistent with the way MIDI clips work in S1, and therefore very easy to learn.Therefore, users can continue to enjoy the traditional "linear" automation approach if they so wish, and completely ignore this. Backwards-compatible with the current linear automation system.This is a request for a container-based automation system that allows users to manipulate automation points in the same way as MIDI notes :

studio clips studio clips

NOTE: This FR may seem similar to this other FR but it's not the same! Therefore please don't flag this as a duplicate, thank you :)

Studio clips